Take a look at the hints below for guidance!

Clue 1

They’re mentioned in the University Security Guard’s report (Johnny Agnew – online webmail). Where else have you seen their names?

Clue 2

There is an email from the Brisbane Police Intel Team (online webmail) which links these two suspects to Trudy. Trudy was a witness in prosecuting them for the death of a fisherman called Jerry Rogers. Now that they’ve been released from prison they might wish to seek revenge! We have a motive, but can we place them at the murder scene? Focus on the University Security Guard’s descriptions of them (in the webmail).

Clue 3

The University Security Guard lists several defining features such as hair color, accessories, and tattoos. These defining features can be seen in another piece of evidence.

Clue 4

The ANN TV (part 2) news screenshot shows two women fitting the Unversity Security Guard’s description in the background of the shot. Can you identify the time, date, and location of the newsreel?

Clue 5

The ANN TV newsreel is live at 19:29, and the presenter is at the Gold Coast. We’re unable to establish a date from this piece of evidence. Use other evidence to determine the date of this live newsreel.

Clue 6

Take note of the scrolling news headline at the bottom of the ANN TV screenshot. The E.K Pegg headline will help you to establish the date of the live newsreel. Tie this in with another piece of evidence.

Clue 7

Read the Brisbane Chronicler dated 25th March 2019 (part 1 envelope). One of the articles states “E.K Pegg…, was found dead in his home last night”. The article went on to say “Pegg’s friends will hold a memorial in 25 days time”. What date is the memorial taking place?

Answer (spoiler alert)

The memorial is taking place 25 days from the 25th of March (the day of the Brisbane Chronicler article). This means that the memorial is taking place on the 19th of April (the day Trudy was murdered).

The ANN live news stated that EK Pegg’s memorial was taking place “today” i.e. the 19th of April. Pauline and Veronica have been seen on live TV on the 19th of April at 19:29, providing a strong alibi for the pair.

If there was any doubt about the location of the live new reel (the Gold Coast), there is an advert in the Brisbane Chronicler, dated 31st Jan 2019 (part 1). The advert is from Harris Scarfe mentioning that their Gold Coast Store is now open – a 1-hour drive from Brisbane. Therefore Veronica and Pauline would not have been able to get back in time to commit the murder (the coroner states that the time of death was between 7 and 8 pm).