Take a look at the hints below for guidance!


Have you accessed the website where the emails are stored? (Head over to https://lvpfwebmail.com ) and use the login information provided in the internal memo.


The internal memo states that the username is: “[email protected]”. Have you established what the password is yet? You will need to pair his password clues with other pieces of evidence from the case file to formulate the password. If you keep getting the password wrong, read the red error message on the screen to see if it helps.


The error message tells us there are no spaces or special characters in passwords. Here are the documents that you need to read to formulate the password:

Favourite Animal – read the 90’s newspaper clipping. Can you find what animal Ricky Tremolo kept?

Favourite Food – read the newspaper dated April 1st, 2015. See a familiar advert?

Record Time –  Wednesday, April 1st, 2015. Where do you see Hadley’s name mentioned in an article?


So you have your 3 answers but the password still isn’t working?…think about how else it could be written.


Favourite Animal – Ricky Tremolo keeps ‘falcons’, (bear in mind what Hadley told you)

Favourite Food – Hadley fell ill from eating at Reggie’s which serves ‘pizza’

Record Time – Hadley was trying to beat a record of ‘73’ seconds…(bear in mind the red error message that pops up when you get the wrong password).



(falcon is ‘singular’ as mentioned in the internal memo)

(record time is stated in seconds. The Error message states that all passwords must contain two numbers).