Take a look at the hints below for guidance!


Hitman “Y” has been seen meeting another suspect in the Vegas area (you need to access the Police Webmail and look at the email from Lutzman (printed) dated 29th March).


“Y” Appears to be an associate of Bobby Lafaye, can you build a timeline for “Y”, that coincides with Bobby?


Complete the hints for Bobby Lafaye before moving onto the Answer.

Answer (Spoiler Alert)

Hitman Y was seen meeting with Bobby on the night of the murder. We know that Bobby was staying at the Mountain View Hotel at the time, but it transpires that he was staying at the hotel branch in Denver. As such, Y is unable to get over to the Casino in time to commit the murder that night. Although it isn’t an alibi, it appears that Bobby was telling the truth about arranging the hit to take place on the 1st of April.