Take a look at the hints below for guidance!


Rachel was a photographer, some of her work can be seen in the Charabia Gallery leaflet. She mentions the use of a “muse”, but where else have you seen this person? Take a look at the Polaroid.


We know this polaroid includes a picture of Rachel and Percy, but who is ‘myself’? It appears to be the same person in the photographs on the Charabia Gallery leaflet. Study the handwriting, perhaps we can match this to another piece of evidence. You will need to access the online evidence on the Iocus drive. If you are struggling to access the online evidence, follow the Hints trail labelled “Accessing the online evidence found on the Iocus drive’. Once you have read the evidence online, you may move on to Hint 03.


The handwriting matches the handwriting on the torn notepad. If you haven’t completed finding an alibi for Niles Goodwin, we would suggest you follow this trail before moving on to Hint 04 for Rachel Wiseman.


The handwriting belongs to Randall, we can now establish that Randall was close friends with Rachel and that he was the subject “muse” in many pieces of Rachel’s photography. If Randall and Rachel were such good friends, why would she want to kill Randall. You will find a potential motive in the letter addressed to ‘Dear Friend’ from Percy on the 7th December 1965.


Percy expresses some concern for Rachel and her relationship with Randall. Randall is using her for money and never pays her back, could Rachel be seeking revenge? Percy also mentions in his letter “she (Rachel) took the time to handmake a beret for me, just as she did for you and our small group of friends”. What did these beret’s look like? Take a look back at the Charabia Gallery leaflet.


The berets were burgundy in colour, and everyone in the friendship group owned one. Rachel was the person who made these and also admits to owning one. This is significant to the crime, read the Witness Reports from the Station Staff that saw the series of events unfold. Make note of the three key pieces of information in these reports that could help us identify the killer.


The other three key pieces of information are:

1 – “…they got on a motorbike and sped off…”

2 – “I am certain they were shorter than the victim.”

3 –  “I did notice their beret was the exact same colour as the man’s who was killed.”

(if you do not want to proceed with the answer to this just yet, then we advise you to work on the alibis for the other suspects before revealing your answer below)


We know Rachel owns a moped, she admits to owning one in the Charabia Gallery leaflet. A motorbike was seen fleeing the scene. Bill Straw (Platform Guard) is certain that the murderer was shorter than the victim. We know that Rachel is shorter than Randall, it is evident in the polaroid. The murderer was also wearing the same colour beret as Randall. Was this Rachel wearing a beret, pushing Randall in front of the train and fleeing on her moped? We do not have any other alibi for Rachel, therefore she is the main suspect!