Take a look at the hints below for guidance!


Have you accessed the Police email inbox mentioned in the Assignment letter dated December 4th, 2022? Head over to https://rcmp-webmail.com/ and use the login information provided to you in the Assignment letter. You’ll need to work out what the password is using the clues given to you in the Assignment letter. Answers to the password are found on multiple pieces of evidence throughout the case file.


The first password clue is “Bar on Front Street in Whitehorse”. Where have you read about a bar on Front Street? Read one of the Diary entries on Monday, November 28.


In one of the Diaries, the author of the diary says – “Once this storm is over and we’re allowed to make day trips to Whitehorse again, I’m heading straight to Duke’s on Front Street by the river…. they’re always there having a beer!” “dukes” is the first answer to the password clue.


The second password clue written in the Assignment letter is – “Lake North of Silver City”. You will need to locate Silver City. Look at the map in the Handbook.


On page 4 of the Handbook, there is a map. Locate Silver City, and you will see the name of the lake north of Silver City. “kluane” is the second answer to the password clue.


The third password clue written in the Assignment letter is – “Height of Mt. Mortimer in meters’. Read the welcome page of the employee handbook.


The welcome page on page 2 of the Handbook says “2805 meters above sea level (3/4 up Mt. Mortimer)”. You will need to use this information to calculate the height of Mount Mortimer.


To calculate the height of Mount Mortimer:

(2805 meters / 3) x 4 = 3740m.

“3740” is the third answer to the password clue.


Now that you have all the pieces to the password, head over to https://rcmp-webmail.com/ and input the username given to you in the introduction letter and the password you have just uncovered:

Username: [email protected]
Password: dukeskluane3740

(remember, the login information in the Assignment letter tells you it is all in lowercase)