Take a look at the hints below for guidance!
Before starting the hints for each character, we would strongly recommend building a timeline of events as to when Dr. Achenbach was killed. If you get stuck trying to build the timeline of events, please follow the hints trail – “Timeline of Death”.
Who is Gary Dyer and what motive would he have for killing Dr Achenbach? Firstly, familiarize yourself with Gary’s role at the Scientific Research Station. Read the Active Staff List.
Gary is the Communications Operator at the SRS. Although there is no clear motive for wanting to kill Dr Achenbach, he does show some signs of frustration toward him – see one of the Diary entries on Saturday, November 26th. Despite no obvious motive, Dyer was one of the staff at the SRS when Achenbach died, so we do need to either clear or convict him. What else happens with Dyer on the day of the murder? See the Station Report.
On December 03, Dr Achenbach states “A fight broke out in the dining hall between the two (Dyer and Phelps), which resulted in Dyer falling to the floor unconscious. Dyer has been put under Dr. Fitz’s care”. We need to learn more about his current condition, take a look at the Medical Report for Gary Dyer.
Dr Fitz goes on to say “…I used the window of opportunity to get Dyer down to Whitehorse. At what time did Gary Dyer arrive at the hospital in Whitehorse? Have you been able to access the evidence online yet? If not, do so now. If you need assistance with this, please follow the hints trail – Accessing the online evidence found in P.L.Ayers inbox.
Now that you have accessed the online evidence. Open up the email from Chief Winterburn – Fwd: Emergency Ward Statement, and read the statement from Dr. Simon Samuels.
If you haven’t already done so, we would advise you to concentrate on Harriet Hiller and solve the trail for Harriet before moving on. Do not move on to the Answer (next) until you have done so.
Dr. Simon Samuels confirms that he received a patient from Mt. Mortimer Research Station who had been knocked out in an altercation. Gary Dyer was admitted to the hospital at around 9:20 pm – corroborated by the trail for Hiller (the helicopter GPS times, and the fact that the doctor said that only two of them flew back up the mountain). Gary has an alibi.