Take a look at the hints below for guidance!
DO NOT PROCEED unless you have read ALL of the other clues and found alibis for as many of the suspects as possible. The following hints will gradually reveal who the killer was!…
Clue 2
Be sure to focus on the clues given in the “scratched card” hints section.
Clue 3
Having been through all of the hints, you should be able to provide an alibi for the following suspects:
• Carl Meekins (“John”)
• Thomas Drucker
• Beartrix Leblanc
• Penelope Mudds
• Pauline and Veronica
• John Linnsburgh
This leaves “Paul”, but Paul could be one of three students that we identified by walking through the hints for the “scratched card”:
Jack Zambuchini
Jay Wolodarski
Dirk Muir
There must be some evidence that links one of these people to the card!
Clue 4
In the part 1 envelope, Ben mentions a word game “ABC=ECD”. Trudy liked to communicate in this secretive language (as we know from the coded note between her and Dave Herman). Is there another piece of evidence that we could apply this decryption to?
Clue 5
There was a notepad found on Trudy’s lap that was being shielded by the modesty panel of her desk at the time of the murder (seen on the crime scene report from part 1). It was found at the crime scene covered in splatters of blood – perhaps she was only part way through writing a word?! Try applying the decryption to this code…
The Police originally arrested Ben because of the note found on Trudy’s lap. If you apply the ABC = ECD decryption to the word BEN you get “ZAM”. Jack Zambuchini is the only name containing the letters Zam. Trudy was trying to tell us who the murderer was! If Trudy were to write ‘Jack’, Jack may have seen this and disposed of the evidence… so she wrote in code! We now know that “Paul” was Jack…and that he killed Trudy!