Take a look at the hints below for guidance!
Clue 1
There is another piece of evidence that is linked to the scratched ID card.
Clue 2
A scratched card is mentioned in the Stakeout Report (part 2 – see Jerry and Albert’s stakeout report). In this report, an officer has overheard a conversation between Carl Meekins (AKA John) and “Paul”. Have you established Meekins’ backstory? There is a separate clue labelled “Ute Penns Photograph”. Go back and complete that hints section before proceeding with more hints on this page.
Clue 3
Now we know who Meekins is, and that he has a right-hand man named Paul, we need to know what Paul is up to. The officer at the stakeout heard Meekins say “Paul, she’s sniffing around after us…” what does he mean by this? And who is “she”?
Clue 4
Meekins and Paul are clearly talking about Trudy. We know that “she” was close to Dave Herman, and that Ute Penn was trying to help Trudy find out who killed her friend. We need to identify who “Paul” is…and what his real name is! How do we know that Paul is the owner of the card?
Clue 5
In the stakeout report, Meekins asks paul, “your card still work?”. To which “paul” replies “Yep, got it right here. It’s scratched to hell though. Apparently, I attend the “Univepity of Brine” – a nod to the scratched card. We know this person attends the university of Brisbane because the logo matches another piece of evidence.
Clue 6
The Student Roll (part 2) displays the same logo as that seen on the scratched card (the logo is from the University). We know that these students are in Trudy’s ‘Behavioural Ecology’ classes, the department’s admin confirm this in the online webmail. Can we link the card to any of the names on this student roll list?
Clue 7
We can only see “S15….5” on the scratched card. The owner of this card could be one of 5 people that share this similar sequence of numbers and letters:
There is another piece of evidence to help you further narrow down this list.
Clue 8
Compare the afterhours card log (online evidence) with the student roll. Are you able to narrow down the list of the 5 students?
Clue 9
Yes, according to the afterhours log, 3 of the 5 students appear to have entered the main campus (around the time of the murder):
S1507485 19:33 – Jack Zambuchini
S1501865 19:42 – Jay Wolodarski
S1508695 19:54 – Dirk Muir
Do we have enough evidence to charge any of these students with the murder? Have you found alibis for all of the other suspects listed in the Internal Memo (part 2)?
No. We don’t have enough evidence to charge any of these students with the murder of Trudy Erhardt. Have you eliminated all of the other suspects? We need to either charge another one of the suspects from the list, or find evidence that points the finger at one of these students.