These clues relate to when the poisoned reed was attached


What are the differences between the Alto (£5 sax) and Tenor?


Have you identified which saxophone killed Stubby?


The producer’s witness statement says it was Stubby’s Alto Sax that was poisoned. When was the last time he played it?


The security guard at the Lemon Leopard only mentions Stubby having one saxophone in his statement


The “All That Jazz” article on the LSE reunion states Stubby played Tenor at the performance at the Lemon Leopard club


Eve says Stubby was playing the tenor in the park on the afternoon of Friday the 13th


Sue says that Stubby’s saxophones were left in the London house over the weekend. When did Stubby last play his Alto saxophone?

Still totally stuck? Here’s the answer


Stubby plays two different types of saxophones – the alto and the tenor.
According to Lisa Clef and Sue, on the Friday morning, Stubby had played both saxophones at the studio.
Stubby then plays Tenor at the park (see Eve’s statement and the social media mentions document).
The next Saxophone use is at the Lemon Leopard club on the Friday Evening where Stubby plays the Tenor (See LSE Reunion article and the statement from Frank Lee, which indicates that Stubby only had one saxophone with him).
Saturday and Sunday, Sue says that the saxophones were left at the house, and Eve also hints that Stubby and Sue were not taking anything with them to the house in Henley (neither of the saxophones).
On the Monday, Lisa and the evidence analysis document both verify that it was the alto sax that killed Stubby. Therefore, the reed was poisoned sometime between the Friday morning and the Monday recording session.

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